
I am interested on the impacts of climate change in hydrology. This ranges from evaluating scenarios of hydropower generation to the spread of water-borne diseases. I am also interested in the development of models to simulate surface water and groundwater processes and its chemistry

Peer-reviewed articles







Pastén-Zapata E., (2017). An assessment of the impact of climate change on the efficiency and feasibility of four run-of-the-river hydropower schemes in UK catchments. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield, UK. (Link)

Pastén-Zapata E., (2009). Model for the evaluation of water resources in the state of Colima for the simulation of strategies (in Spanish). Master Thesis. Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Mexico. (Link)

Books and chapters in books

Mahlknecht J., Pastén-Zapata E, (Editors) (2013). Diagnóstico de los recursos hídricos en América Latina (Water resources diagnosis in Latin America). PEARSON EDUCACIÓN, ISBN 978-607-32-1727-9. (Link)

Pastén-Zapata E., Calderón-Zúñiga H., Mahlknecht J., López-Zavala M.A., Caballero-García C.A., Horst, A., (2011). Evaluación diagnóstica de la calidad y disponibilidad deal agua superficial y subterránea del estado de Colima (Diagnostic evaluation of the surface and groundwater quality and availability in the state of Colima), in El impacto de los fondos mixtos en el desarrollo regional Foro Consultivo Científico y Tecnológico, CONACYT. (Link)


Pastén-Zapata E., Moggridge H., Jones J., (2017). Future efficiency of run of the river hydropower schemes based on climate change scenarios: case study in UK catchments. EGU General Assembly 2017. Vienna, Austria. (Link)

Pastén-Zapata E., Moggridge H., Jones J., (2017). RCM skill assessment applying precipitation, temperature and hydrological performance measures: comparing different RCM resolutions and bias correction methods. EGU General Assembly 2017. Vienna, Austria. (Link)

Pastén-Zapata E., Jones J., Moggridge H., (2015). Climate change impacts for a run of the river hydropower scheme in Wales, UK. Third Workshop on Water Resources in Developing Countries: Planning and Management in Face of Hydroclimatological Extremes and Variability. Trieste, Italy.

Pastén-Zapata E., Jones J., Moggridge H., (2015). Coupling climate and hydrological models to evaluate the impact of climate change on run of the river hydropower schemes from UK study sites. EGU General Assembly. Vienna, Austria. (Link)

Pastén-Zapata E., Moggridge H., Jones J., (2015). Evaluating run-of-the-river hydropower feasibility and efficiency under climate change for UK study sites. EGU General Assembly. Vienna, Austria. (Link)

Ledesma-Ruiz R., Pastén-Zapata E., Parra R., Harter T., Mahlknecht J., (2014) Assessment of geochemical evolution of groundwater in a mountainous area under agricultural land. EGU General Assembly. Vienna, Austria. (Link)

Pastén-Zapata E., Ledesma-Ruiz R., Ramírez A. I., Harter T., Mahlknecht J., (2014). A multi-tracer approach to assess fingeprints of nitrate in an aquifer under agriculture
used land. EGU General Assembly 2014.  Vienna, Austria. (Link)

Ledesma-Ruiz, R., Pastén-Zapata E., Mahlknecht, J., (2013). Analysis of groundwater quality using CFCs, Tritium, Carbon-14 and stable isotopes in aquifers supplying the metropolitan zone of Guadalajara. 43th Congress of Research and Development, ITESM. Monterrey, Mexico.

Mahlknecht J., Pastén-Zapata E., (2013). Water resources diagnosis in Latin America. 43th Congress of Research and Development, ITESM. Monterrey, Mexico.

López-Zavala M.A., Mahlknecht, J., Pastén-Zapata E., Caballero-García C.A., Horst, A., (2013). Evaluation of the quality and availability of surface and groundwater in the State of Colima. 43th Congress of Research and Development, ITESM. Monterrey, Mexico.

Pastén-Zapata E., Ledesma-Ruiz R., Harter T., Ramírez A. I., Mahlknecht J., (2013). Nitrate sources in groundwater from the citrucultural zone of Nuevo Leon. 43th Congress of Research and Development, ITESM.  Monterrey, Mexico.

Pastén-Zapata E., Mahlknecht J., (2013). Model for the assessment of the water resources in the Colima state for the simulation of strategies. 43th Congress of Research and Development, ITESM. Monterrey, Mexico.

Pastén-Zapata E., Mahlknecht J., Ledesma-Ruiz R., (2013). Groundwater age and recharge in five aquifers supplying Monterrey metropolitan area using environmental tracers. 2013 NGWA Summit, the National and International Conference on Groundwater. San Antonio, USA.

Ledesma-Ruiz, R., Pastén-Zapata E., Mahlknecht, J., (2013). Evaluation of Guadalajara metropolitan area aquifer using CFCs, tritium, Carbon-14 and stable isotopes. 2013 NGWA Summit, the National and International Conference on Groundwater. San Antonio, USA

Ledesma-Ruiz R., Pastén-Zapata E., Mahlknecht J., (2012). Analysis of groundwater quality using CFCs, Tritium, Carbon-14 and stable isotopes in aquifers supplying the metropolitan zone of Guadalajara, Mexico. XI Latin American Congress of Hydrogeology. Colombia.

Pastén-Zapata E., Ledesma-Ruiz R., Harter T., Ramírez A. I., Mahlknecht J., (2012). Nitrate removal and sulphate production in groundwater as a result of denitrification processes in a predominant citricultural zone in northeastern Mexico. 39th Congress of the International Association of Hydrogeologists. Canada.